About the Department
You are cordially welcomed to the department of Pastoral Studies. This department sees to the training and equipping of those who are called to be Priests, Pastors, Missionaries, and Ministers of the Gospel. The studies here apply the pragmatic approach to teaching, rather than the speculative approach.
Among our list of several courses, some of the courses we offer include: Church Administration, Women in Ministry, Pastoral Theology, Pastoral Counseling, Expository Preaching etc.,.
Students are to specialize in either Pastoral Major or Missions major
The vision for the department is, in line, with WATS vision statement; to
Build men and women for pastoral and missions ministries in order to effectively fulfill the Great Commission as given by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Our mission at the department is to employ every Godly spiritual and academic means to raise those that will effectively do the work of the Great Commission in the pastoral and missions ministries.
Pastoral Major
Students are, among others, taught to:
Explain the purpose, mission, and scope of the church from Biblical, historical missiological perspectives
- Engage in pastoral ministry at a beginning level
- Preach an effective expository sermon
- Conduct a meaningful service
- Perform the duties of the Pastor or Evangelist
Students are, among others taught to:
- Understand the Biblical and theological foundation of the Christian missions
- Be familiar with the problems of cross-cultural communication in Christian missions
- Lead people of other religions and cultures to personal faith in Christ using various approaches.
- Use scriptural methods for effective cross-cultural church planting
Dr Pius Usenu, Rev John Onwuka, Pastor Jide Moye, Rev Julius Adegbola, Rev David Adesina, Pastor Promise Sabo, Pastor Dele Akindayo
Message from the Head of Department
The WATS Practical Theology Department, it’s great joy for us to work with God to equip those that will serve in His divine workforce to fulfil the Great Commission. An exciting, enriching, experience awaits you as you find your place in His will.
We look forward to welcoming you to study at WATS Practical Theology department!
Pastor Dele Akindayo (HOD)