
Young Leaders’ Scholarship Program

In the last couple of years, Nigeria like many other countries have been burdened with terrorism, religious intolerance, violence spearheaded by Boko Haram and lately Fulani Herdsmen. This has led to an intolerable level of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). 


Idi Zakariya, from an ethnic minority group (Glavda) in North East Nigeria, an Internally Displaced Person (IDP) is a beneficiary of our Young Leaders’ Scholarship Program (YLSP).

WATS is seeking individuals who will help provide the financial backbone needed to get students like Idi Zakariya from the Gospel resistant areas of Nigeria’s North East through their training.

What is God saying to you today? Would you rather not lend a helping hand to ensure the peace message is preached across borders? With $1,200 annually, you can strengthen our arms today

Improvement of WATS ICT Capacity

WATS vision is to be the theological seminary of choice in Africa for preparing Christian leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit for advancing God’s kingdom to all people groups. The global pandemic of 2019/2020 and the subsequent lockdown hastened our move in the direction of Technology Enabled Blended Learning and the possibilities of training even more leaders beyond the West Africa sub-region. However, we remain hampered by inadequate Information, Communication and Technological facilities. Young people who are wiling and ready to join our Young Leaders Program virtually are unable to as the technological facility is limited.


We require an iLMS to improve the overall capability of the WATS portal.  Especially importantly, students’ recruitment, admissions, registrations, payments and general academic administration will be greatly improved if we supplemented or migrated our mechanical operations with a more robust ICT acquisition.

Cost implication

School Portal & LMS  $10, 000

Internet Upgrade/One year subscription (5Mbps to 20Mbps)  $9,600

Total requested     $19,600

Whatever help can be rendered in this direction will be deeply appreciated.

WATS Infrastructure and Roof repairs

Just like the time of Noah, we have had our own bout of torrential rain and flooding. Though the waters are decreasing and the tops of the mountain are gradually being seen, the heavy downpour and accompanying floods have badly affected the seminary’s main building which hosts the Library, Chapel, Lecture rooms and the O.O.M. Administration building and left heavy damages. While we appreciate the donations we have received from kind-hearted donors in the recent past for roof repairs, we are compelled to ask for assistance again in order to address more permanently the scourge of flooding of the library by engaging a more comprehensive roof repairs which will cost about $4,000

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