The entrance requirements for the BA in Theology include five credits in SSCE/GCE or three credits from SSCE/GCE and two credits from TC II, including English language, Christian Religious Studies and any other three subjects, and the passing of WATS entrance exams and interviews.

The BA programs seek to enable students to achieve certain specific academic goals. Having completed course requirements for a WATS Bachelor of Arts program, the graduate should be able to:

1. Describe the purpose, distinctive, themes, and general content of the Old and New Testament.
2. Articulate knowledge of the content, general structure, and contemporary message of selected books of the Bible.
3. Practice accurate inductive Bible study.
4. Define and explain basic Christian doctrines as understood by orthodox Christianity.
5. Communicate ideas clearly through writing and speaking.
6. Discuss great ideas and philosophies of the ancient and modern worlds.
7. Compare and contrast the elements of African Traditional Religion and Islam with the tenets of Christianity.
8. Trace the major streams of world and Christian history.
9. Describe basic concepts of Greek grammar and use of common Greek study tools available for English readers.
10. Compare Wesleyan theology with other theological systems.
11. Discuss the basic concepts of psychology and show how this understanding assists in ministry.
12. Prepare general principles of education to teach biblical truths.
13. Develop instructional curricula for the church.
14. Assume leadership of Christian schools.

Courses in Denominational and Military Chaplaincy Liturgy

WATS is a non-denominational seminary. Among our pastors-in-training, a significant plurality of ordinands from the Anglican Communion, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Military Chaplaincy are represented. Therefore, the seminary strives to provide students with adequate training in diverse liturgies. These courses are vetted by one or more of their denominational leaders/bishops within Nigeria and are taught by qualified personnel recommended to the seminary. See specific course listings for these liturgical classes under descriptions of courses. Military chaplains are also provided additional opportunities to study important themes that are relevant to their ministry.


The BA in Theology seeks to enable students to achieve certain specific professional goals. These goals are unique to the professional track (or major) the students follow or the departments to which they belong. The following sections outline the goals related to the areas of study available.

Biblical Studies Department

Having completed the course requirements for a WATS Bachelor of Arts program, the graduate in the Biblical Studies Department should be able to:

1. Demonstrate proficiency in the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek).
2. Describe the purpose, distinctive, themes, and general content of the Old and New Testaments.
3. Articulate knowledge of the content, general structure, and contemporary message of the books of the Bible.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the different Bible study methods.
5. Articulate the basic Christian doctrines as understood by orthodox Christianity.
6. Communicate ideas clearly through writing and speaking.

Pastoral Studies Department

Having completed the course requirements for a WATS Bachelor of Arts program, the graduate in the Pastoral Studies Department should be able to:

1. Explain the purpose, mission, and scope of the Church from the biblical, historical and missiological perspectives.
2. Preach effective biblical and transformative sermons.
3. Conduct a meaningful worship service.
4. Perform the duties of the pastor and engage in personal evangelism.
5. Guide the local church in a mission program.
6. Design Bible study materials and devotionals for spiritual development of the church
7. Engage in pastoral ministry by providing leadership for the church in social engagement and community development.

Missions Department

Having completed the course requirements for a WATS Bachelor of Arts program, the graduate in the Missions Department should be able to:
1. Comprehend the biblical and theological foundation of the Christian mission.
2. Identify the problems of cross-cultural communication in Christian missions.
3. Employ various approaches in missions to lead people of other faiths and cultures to personal faith in Christ.
4. Apply scriptural methods for effective cross-cultural church planting.
5. Disciple converts in the mission field into wholesome growth.
6. Train prospective candidates for cross-cultural missions.
7. Exhibit Christian virtues for effective interaction with followers of other religions.

Christian Education and General Studies

Having completed the course requirements for a WATS Bachelor of Arts program, the graduate in the Christian Education Department should be able to:

1. Explain the historical basis of Nigeria’s educational system.
2. Motivate students to become high achievers using various theories of learning and teaching.
3. Engage in the teaching of Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) and related subjects in primary and post-primary institutions using different principles and methods.
4. Exhibit an open and tolerant attitude towards those of other religions, and use Christian education as a strategy for winning them.
5. Integrate the biblical teachings in different contexts and demonstrate skills in the use of resource materials in the teaching profession.
6. Develop teaching manuals for Sunday school, and serve in church educational ministries.
7. Prepare graduates for higher degrees in Christian Education or any related program.

Requirements for Graduation

Students who are eligible for graduation must have fulfilled the following requirements:

⦁ All financial obligations to the Seminary and duly cleared by the Director of Finance.
⦁ Completed successfully the required credit hours for degree applied for.
⦁ Defended and submitted the hard-bound copies of Long Essays/Thesis/Dissertation.
⦁ Cleared by all Departments of the Seminary.
⦁ Results approved by the Academic Board.
⦁ Interviewed and found to be worthy in character and learning.

The following conditions and requirements also apply:
⦁ Graduates of institutions not formally recognized by WATS will be required to show genuine transcripts from such institutions and evidence that those institutions are getting affiliated to government-approved higher institutions and/or accredited to relevant recognized bodies, nationally or internationally. Some of such students may be asked to register for courses that will make up for the deficit content of their previously concluded programs.
⦁ Candidates with the requisite SSCE or alternative qualifications who wish to enter WATS from unknown or recognized institutions may be required to start from year one the program to which they have been admitted.
⦁ Mature candidates of not less than 60 years of age may be considered for admission based on their years of experience in their fields of Christian ministry of not less than 20 years, and they must have at least 3 credits.
⦁ Any candidate with a WATS Diploma or a Diploma from any other recognized institution, with a minimum of 2.5 GPA, will be admitted into the 2nd year of the BA in Theology program, or any candidate with a three-year Diploma, but less than 2.5 GPA.
⦁ Any candidate with a three-year Diploma from any recognized institution with a GPA of above 3.0 will be admitted into the 3rd year.
⦁ Any candidate with a BA/BSC/HND in another discipline will be admitted into the 2rd year of BA in Theology or MDiv program.
⦁ Any candidate wishing to register for the Masters in Biblical Studies program, who has no Hebrew or Greek background, will be required to undergo 1 year study in Hebrew or Greek Languages. He or she may also be asked to undertake some other relevant courses in the BA Theology Program, before being admitted into the Master’s program.
⦁ All our undergraduate students will be required to take World Christian Movement and Biblical Languages (Hebrew and Greek). If they have not learnt the languages previously, or if they have learnt but are deficient in any way, no matter the level into which they are admitted.
⦁ No student, Post graduate, Graduate or Undergraduate, may be admitted into two programs at the same time.
⦁ In terms of transfer of credits from other institutions, credits are transferable only on the basis of their relevance and their similarity of those courses in which the credits were obtained, with our courses at the Seminary.
⦁ Only grades not below letter ‘B’ are transferable.
⦁ Any candidate for admission whether undergraduate, graduate or post graduate will be required to do a medical examination. Thereafter, there will be a periodic checkup at WATS Hospital. Students will be required to pay a specified medical fee (see financial information). Other conditions may apply.
⦁ Students in the BA program can major in theology or in Religion. In addition, they may specialize in one of the following tracks: (1) Biblical Studies (2) Pastoral (3) Missions (4) Christian Education
⦁ Performance is measured by academic and non-academic criteria. If one’s average grade is below 2.0 in the previous semester, the Academic Dean will place such student on academic probation by issuing him or her a written warning which will notify the student that if, after the next semester, his or her overall average grade does not improve to 2.0, he or she will be asked to withdraw.

Undergraduate Application

⦁ Submission of the application form; checking of the applicant’s recommendation letter, transcripts, certificates and other paper works by the Admission Officer.
⦁ Undergraduate applicants are required to take entrance examinations, including English Language and Bible Knowledge. The pass mark required is a minimum of 50% for English Language and 75 marks for Bible Knowledge.
⦁ Successful applicant proceeds to Spiritual Formation for an interview.
⦁ Names of applicants who scaled through the spiritual formation interview will be forwarded to the Admission Officer.
⦁ The Registrar issues Provisional Admission Letter to successful applicants.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,